My Rule of Life

 It was last year that I was listening to a podcast, then reading a blog, later reading a book, and they all spoke about the necessity for Catholics to have a "Rule of Life" as if everyone had heard of it before. Well, I decided I got to get one of those immediately! After I browsed more online for the details, I realized it was something I've done many times in my life but this simply looked more complete. It encompasses all the aspects of my life, desires, plans and vocation at once, which makes so much sense now.

According to the Catholic Dictionary, a Religious Rule (rule of life for religious) is "The plan of life and discipline, approved by the Holy See, under which religious live in order to grow in Christian perfection and perform the works of the apostolate proper to their institute." Going back a century and a half ago, there is the most popular Rule of Saint Benedict written to bring order to the monk's habits and rhythms in their shared daily life.  A religious order's rule would include their charisms, order of the day, and responsibilities. I too have a vocation with such aspects, so there must be a rule for mothers. 

Holly Pierlot, author of A Mother's Rule of Life wrote "A Rule of Life is not just a schedule, not just a collection of activities organized into a set pattern for efficient repetition. A Rule is an organization of everything that has to do with your vocation, based on a hierarchy of the priorities that define the vocation and done with the intent to please God. It deals with the essential responsibilities of your state of life, organized to ensure their fulfillment…" 

Ah-ha! So what I had been doing was this in pieces, for separate purposes. I was checking off boxes when working on a personal goal like weight loss. Other times I was planning the ideal flow of our homeschool day. Sometimes I would write a list of tasks and priorities. I would journal about my spiritual goals. I love prioritized lists, especially since I'm a procrastinator. I also have many many piles and file folders in my home office. What can we busy mothers do to streamline this Rule of Life planning?

That's when I decided to create a "My Rule of Life" workbook, catered to my own vintage style. After some testing, the Catholic woman's My Rule of Life planner and self-tracker I designed for myself is now available to print.

Take notes of what you want your prayer and spiritual life to look like. Plan out the ideal week. Write down your commitments, personal goals, and the Saints you want to intercede for you. Think about your prayer intentions, including a memorial of souls who have gone before you. Track your progress of your goals and virtues. Take time to do a weekly examination of your life and how it aligns to God's will and your resolutions. Finally jot down any books you hope to read this month. 

No matter what your style, the details in the planning are mostly the same. It is important that is personal.  If you don't like the vintage look and want to design your own, or you have other items you want to cover, you can look at it for inspiration.  I think it most important that you take time to think these things over, no matter where you write it down.

Jenn Giles Kemper of Sacred Ordinary Days writes, "Allow your rule to develop slowly over time. Listen for God and realize that the unique expression of Christ in you, your family, and your church will look different than the expression of Christ in others. It can be helpful to remember that the kingdom is built by the whole of the church body, so you need only seek to be a faithful hand or foot. Ask God how to live your part faithfully. Consider inviting others into this exercise with you, such as a spouse, a spiritual director, or members of your community. Regard your rule as a living document—something you can review and adjust as you live it out." 

I think that's a fantastic perspective. Thanks Jenn! Now to go print a copy for my new year and see how God is calling me in my current phase of life. 

MY RULE OF LIFE planner is in my Etsy Shop as an INSTANT DOWNLOAD PDF FILE.

In the file is a cover page, 14 worksheets, and the digital use policy. There is enough room for a month of tracking. Then you can reprint whatever pages you need to add on additional months. Staple together, or put in a binder as I have.

Plan out the ideal week. 

Write down your commitments, personal goals, and the Saints you want to intercede for you. 

Think about your prayer intentions, including a memorial of souls who have gone before you. 

Track your progress of your goals and virtues. 

Take time to do a weekly examination of your life and how it aligns to God's will and your resolutions.

Finally jot down any books you hope to read this month. 

Also included are 3 Prayer Posters and 1 set of 4 prayer cards.

MY RULE OF LIFE planner is in my Etsy Shop as an INSTANT DOWNLOAD PDF FILE.

More Resources I found helpful on the subject:

Sacred Ordinary Days: Rule of Life (very through, with so many resource links)

A Mother's Rule of Life, a book by Holly Pierlot

Good Catholic: Making a Personal Rule of Life

Word on Fire: Creating a Rule of Life PDF Booklet

Need a Mom's Life Coach?

Catholic Mom Calm

The True Presence Course   {Her podcast about a Summer Rule of Life}

AS ALWAYS, I LIKE TO INCLUDE SOMETHING FREE if there is something for sale. So you can print this page by clicking on it and selecting print!

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