Thanks again to Catholic Icing’s Blog of Preschool projects! We’ll be making these this Holy Week. Click the titles for links to the complete directions how to make each craft! On my blog's label search, click on "Preschool" for the rest of the ABCs!
L is for Light
Christ is our Light – Lanterns made from clear cups and tissue paper decoupage. We won’t light the candles until our family’s Easter Vigil.
M is for Monstrance
This is such a beautiful way to teach the children about the Holy Eucharist, Eucharistic Miracles, Why we have Adoration, and The Unbloody Sacrifice of The Mass.
What we did different was not only a very fancy gold doily I found at Crafts Direct, but we added an old cd behind it for extra shimmer!
N is for Nun
A Mother Superior nun holding a monstrance that was made in the same way as a paper snowflake. My boy preferred to make a FranciscaN Priest. What kid doesn’t like to make puppets!?
O is for Offering
Our church didn’t have rice bowls this year to put in our loose change for the poor. One of Lent’s lessons is about almsgiving, giving to those who need more than us. I liked this idea for an offering box, in the shape of a church complete with stained glass windows. O is also for the orange cross on top.
My one suggestion to blend the colors on the coffee filter paper… Take a paper plate, add one plain filter and a tablespoon of water. Color another filter with squares using markers. Set that on top the wet filter and watch it blend! Let it dry overnight. One is enough for all these windows.
P is for Prayer
Our children are becoming more aware of Prayer and Penance. Even my first grader and Preschooler remind us to say our meal Prayer. And we’re happy that our toddler joins in for the “Amen.” I decided to add these Pictures to their Prayer frame craft, to make it Personal. We added the Pink or Purple P for the Purpose of Practicing Ps. They laughed when I pulled out a yellow P! :)
We also talked about Peter the first Pope, and our Petitions of Prayer.
You can Print this Prayer at this Particular link. 2 Per Page.
Good Morning, Dear Jesus. This day is for You!We ask You to bless all we think, say and do. Amen.
I hope you enjoyed seeing our versions of these fun crafts, made for preschoolers – but fun and meaningful for kids of all ages!

Christian Preschool Printables: Bible ABCs
Christian Character ABCs
Christian Symbols A-Z

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